1996 年出生,宜蘭人,現就讀國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系碩士班,作品多以互動裝置及影像探索個人生活經驗,提出問題並轉化為具詩意的想像。
2024,「科技賦格—數位環境的永續及想像」,2024 堤頂之星 2.0 年度入選展,王道銀行藝廊,台北
2023,「Make Sense」,國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系碩士班評鑑展,國立臺北藝術大學地下美術館,台北
2018,「荒芥 Vitalism 」,2018 實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系所設計展,台北松山文創園區,台北
2019 ,〈Demo Hour〉,《ACM Interactions (Jan - Feb 2019)》,美國計算機協會,紐約,美國
Born in Yilan in 1996, he is currently studying in the MFA Program in the Department of New Media Art, National Taipei University of the Arts. His artwork often uses interactive installations and images to explore personal lived experiences, asking questions and transforming them into poetic imagination.
2022-now, MFA Program in the Department of New Media Art , Taipei National University of the Arts, MFA
2014-2018, Department of Communications design, Shih Chien University, BFA
Group Exhibitions/
2024, "Technological Fugue: Sustainability and Imagination in the Digital Environment" , Stare of Tiding 2.0,O-BANK Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2024, "Art Maker Festival: Weaving and Making: A World Between the Real and the Virtual" , Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park, Yilan, Taiwan
2023, "Make Sense" , Evaluation Exhibition of MFA Program in New Media Art, TNUA Underground Experimental Field, Taipei, Taiwan
2018, "Vitalism" , 2018 SCCD Degree Show, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2019, 'Demo Hour', "ACM Interactions(January - February 2019)", Association for Computing Machinery, New York, US